Golden eagle was awesome.
Amazing. That was really funny, and completely random, and totally funny. Awesome. I really loved golden eagle.
Golden eagle was awesome.
Amazing. That was really funny, and completely random, and totally funny. Awesome. I really loved golden eagle.
Lucky guy.
I've always wanted a toaster for a hand. Anyway, that was really funny. It could have used music in some parts when it didn't have any, though. Great work. Keep it up.
It was okay.
I liked it, but it wasn't as funny as the first two. The only thing that even got me to smile was the goblin doing a sexual dance about cleaning. Mostly good, though.
Just as good.
It was just as awesome as the first two. This is one of the few series that can get me to laugh out loud. Good job.
That was incredibly awesome. I loved it. To be honest, I can't really think of any advice... truly amazing work. Really funny.
One of the better sprite movies.
This was actually one of the better sprite movies I have seen on Newgrounds. Most movies are very badly pixelated. I was disappointed that you were too lazy to spell things correctly, and I also think you should finish the thing before you submit them. I almost just left when I read it wasn't done. Good job with the sprites though.
Could have been better.
It was a nice try, but it could have been less choppy. A couple times I saw him spin without any other movement, one frame he was forward, the next he was backward. Make it a lot less choppy, and the music was weird. If you do that, and also add a bit of color to the guy, this could be a quality movie.
Don't submit things with no effort.
I really was not happy with that. It bored the hell out of me. Plus, you couldn't just have the guy move, he had to melt into a puddle every time. Please, if you're going to even try to make something like that, try hard. I was really bored the whole thing.
no actualy. my character controls shadows. that wasn't a person, it was his shadow. thats his ability. to control shadows. i know its kickass lol. for ocne somethign original
Srry, I don no hw two spel.
Age 95, Male
Blaming others.
Institution for the insane.
Somewhere in Nevada...
Joined on 8/19/08